Monday, February 14, 2011


I made the trait the Babblers beak so it ca get into and behind the trees bark more easily. This could also come good for protecting itself. The reason I picked this is that if the Babbler couldnt get food it would starve and die.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Traits to ensure survival

The white chested babbler would have to reproduce for the traits to become better for the bird.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What would happen if it went extinct?

If the White Chested Babbler went extinct it would mean alot of animals would loose a big source of food. Bugs and other creatures would start to overpopulate in some areas making it tougher for other animals and humans.

A possible zoo habitat

They would need a little forest of trees and it would have to be inside a building and well heated so they couldnt get frost bite or hypnothermia. It would also need lowland forest ground covering. It would also need a couple of nesting areas.

why they're endangered

They are endangered because of loss of habitat and also from being killed by humans.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Its habitat

The Babblers habitat is mostly moist low land forest in Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. the White Chested Babbler has a very narrow niche it has to be somwhere warm and that has low land forests.

Sumatran Babbler

The Sumatran Babbler comes from the Trichastoma Genus. They come from the Timaliidae family. Its natural habitat is moist lowland forests or tropical moist Montanes. Its scientific name is Trichastoma buettikoferi. It is facing habitat loss.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bagobo Babbler

The bagabo Babbler is one of the closest ancestors of the white chested babbler. They both come from the Trichastoma family. It is a bird of the Philippines. Its scientific name is Trichastoma Wood. It comes from the Timaliidae (Old World Babblers) family. It also comes from the Trichastoma Genus.

Monday, January 3, 2011

resources found structural adaptations found behavioural adaptations 2 pictures 1 picture found picture of bagobo babbler found info on bagabo babbler

Friday, December 31, 2010

behavoral adaptives

the behavoral adaptive to get away from predators
it uses its voice to scare it away.

the behavoral adaptive to get food is it uses
its hearing to hear the bugs in the bark.

for reproduction it depends mostly on the nests the males make.